Sunday, May 8, 2011

Thoughts from the weekend

First of all, let me apologize to anyone who noticed me not, well, being here. I *finally* finished James' blanket that I started around our first Christmas. Then, feeling accomplished about finishing that huge project, I decided to try out my first lace pattern. It actually has lots of firsts: my first lace pattern, first time using lace weight yarn and the first time knitting a shawl. Though, I have to admit, lace is depressingly slow going because it seems really squished and small while you knit it, until you block it. (A translation for my non-knitting friends: blocking means getting the final product of your knitting damp or wet, then laying it out on a cushion and placing special pins and wires throughout it to stretch it out to your desired shape.) So, after a day and a half of working on it, in its squished state, it looks barely big enough for my teddy bear to wear. *sigh*

Knitting is wonderfully addictive, and it was actually really nice to just have a weekend away from everyone around me. Plus, it gave me an excuse to avoid all the questions last night as to why I wasn't going to Hall Ball. Truthfully, I just needed a weekend off. Midterms are draining, and I needed some relaxation to help heal the canker sores.

I didn't completely miss out on the fun from Hall Ball, however! No, I didn't go to the Star Wars exhibit, but I have now watched 5 of the 6 movies. I'm drawing the line after I finish Episode II because going through with watching Episode III will most definitely keep me up too late.

I think I've also learned this weekend (or relearned) that I need to be careful how I handle my feelings. Maybe it sounds stupid, but another one of my friends got engaged this weekend and I got super frustrated. I'm not even certain why. I think part of it is that I find it mildly ridiculous that so many people are getting engaged, and half of them aren't even 20 yet...and also, I barely get used to one person getting married or engaged, and another one posts pictures or statuses about getting engaged/married yet again. But most of all, I think I'm frustrated because I know that my relationship is just as serious, but James and I have decided to put off any thoughts of engagement until we figure out what's going on with graduate school. Translation: I won't know when we're going to get engaged until we figure out where we're going, if we're going, and when we're going. That puts the approximate range of time between spring of next year and sometime about 3 years from now.

I have to admit the thought of such an uncertain thing, and the fact that I really have no control over it is going to be a test of patience for the next however long. I pray that I do learn patience from this, because it's definitely not one of my strong suits.

Meanwhile, I'm going to go hide my shawl before I start itching to work on it. I'm banning myself from knitting unless I've gotten all 3 hours of my daily practicing done. Well, and homework too. Maybe that will motivate me? :D


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