Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Oh goodness...I = stupid.

Yeah, life. It's dramatic. Needlessly so, too. I'll spare people the actual drama because obviously the only way to make drama bigger is to share it with more people, but I can say that I honestly biffed on this one. Intentions were good, but execution? Yeah, sucky. I'm definitely taking this and putting it in my lists of "things that should never ever be done" and "boy, you really were an idiot that time."
M'kay, all done.
Meanwhile, I think I've made a couple decisions today that may pan out well. The first being that I think I'm going to audition for one of the youth symphonies next year because I still have a year/two until I age out. Probably I'll choose Cascade because I like the environment better than Seattle. Also, I'm making the goal right now that I will practice three hours a day every day during the summer. (Hold me to this, guys!) I really can't afford to take any time off, and I have a ton of room left before I'll even be close to where I need to be.
The sun makes it difficult to want to do any homework, practicing, etc. It's so tempting to just ignore the world and go read a book instead. Soooo tempting. But, business before play, right? Dear God, please help me do all I need to do for the next three weeks.
My conclusion for this week, thus far, is epic fail. Maybe I'll figure it out next week. And who knows? Tomorrow may improve. It's a new day, right? And for all of my friends and family, I hope you'll forgive me when I screw up. I'm accepting here and now that I have done it, I probably am doing it right now, and will most definitely do it some more in the future. I'm sorry for not saying the right thing, or doing the completely wrong thing, or just in general being an idiot. I'm going to keep trying to get better at this whole thing called life, and I'm begging for your patience as I keep tripping over myself.

101. I am thankful for all the people who see promise in me, even when my head is stuck in an obscure orifice. You guys are awesome, and I hope someday I'll see what you can.

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