Thursday, May 26, 2011

The end is drawing near

...and I feel so unprepared for it. It wasn't very long ago that I was pondering how long this quarter was taking to go by, and now it's nearly time for me to move out. In my master plan, I start packing this weekend, and move a majority of my stuff next weekend. I'll be living in two places at the same time for about a week and a half, but after finals are done on Wednesday, I'm hoping to get everything out, and be completely in at my summer place. I'll be there that week anyway since it begins my puppy/house sitting summer.

I hope to get lots of knitting, practicing and working done this summer, but still maintain some time for relaxation. I want to really keep up with my horn, since that seems to be a lax point of my summers previous. I have so far left to go with it, and I can't lose any time. I lost so much in high school, I've got to make up for it and get to where I know I can be. Maybe I'm a little selfish too, and am hoping to get an edge up for everything coming up next year. I don't want to just be another horn player, I really want to push myself to be the best I can possibly be so that I can really get recognition (and good recognition, not like, wow, she's such a jerk/sucks/etc. kind of recognition) and gigs and stuff. I have a lot of books to buy, techniques to learn and perfect, and excerpts to beat into submission.

Also, a confession. I started to get caught up looking at wedding stuff again. It's so easy to fall into the trap, and I did well for several months...but yup, I can confess to looking at dresses, and pictures from other weddings. It's gross, actually, reflecting on how much of my time it sucked up in the last few days. So, I'm bookmarking the few sites I really adore, and then ignoring them until...whenever I actually need them. I hardly look at my bookmarks anyway, so hopefully out of sight, out of mind. I don't have the time, resources, or need to get married any time in the near future (at least not until I have a degree under my belt), so I really don't need to look at it. *sigh* SPU, you and your "ring by spring" stereotype need to go bury yourselves deep underground and stay there.

Meanwhile, I haven't gotten a proper amount of sleep in a week, so I'm going to make a point to sleep a full eight hours tonight, and jump start this process of getting my body back into a nice routine. There is no time to spare for getting sick right now. Summer, here I come!


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