I've decided that I get so caught up in my own life that I forget how blessed I am. So, I'm going to sit down and come up with one hundred things I am thankful for in no particular order.
1. My family, who always supports me and tells me they love me.
2. The opportunity to go to a Christian university.
3. Faculty who actually care about me as an individual, and want me to succeed.
4. An "aunt and uncle" who are willing to be my psuedo-family here in Seattle, come to my concerts, help me with my knitting, give me a place to go in the summer, and feed me when I'm sick of campus food.
5. The talent and opportunity to play beautiful music.
6. The rain. Not because I enjoy it, but because it makes me appreciate the sun so much more.
7. My kindle--it makes reading books fun and not heavy :D
8. Knitting. It's a wonderful distraction from life sometimes.
9. My wonderful guy, James, who is always supportive, loving, and patient.
10. My friends, who always remind me that it's okay that my major sometimes makes me go crazy...they love me anyway!
11. My horn. It's a beautiful instrument, and I'm so grateful to have a horn that will last me far longer than I may use it.
12. My private teacher, Rodger, who never gets annoyed when I can't get something, like hand-stopping, and instead helps me figure out how to understand it better...and works with me until I get it.
13. Dr. Chin and Dr. Hanson for both pushing me to become a better and stronger musician.
14. Livingsocial and Groupon, for making date nights (as rare as they are) with James inexpensive and fun!
15. My mother teaching me that Goodwill and Value Village are really good places to find anything you need.
16. The sun in Seattle. When it comes out, this city glows.
17. The internet for being such a lovely distraction, and a great tool too. (Facebook stalking, anyone? lol)
18. Practice rooms...as much as they make you sound terrible, they make you better too. And they save my dorm from having to listen to me practice.
19. Frisbee/tennis/soccer--they get me out into the sun!
20. My awesome bike gives me transportation for the nice days, and doesn't cost me gas money!
21. Music--it always inspires me and gives me hope.
22. Tea, which is the best antidote to a rainy day.
23. Having my saucepan returned to me after two months of being MIA!!!!
24. Loose-leaf tea. I still haven't figured out what makes it so much better than bagged tea, but I do enjoy it a lot!
25. Knitting with friends. So often, knitting is a solitary act, but getting to share it with friends, and share frustrations over dropped stitches and lace-weight yarn makes it fun!
26. Flowers blooming in the trees outside Moyer.
27. Flopping on a friend's bed to watch movies after a long week of school.
28. Listening to birds chirp. Chickadees and robins are by far my favorite because they remind me of home.
29. Being able to see all the gorgeous colors of the seasons.
30. Sleep.
31. Living on such a small campus.
32. Picking my own classes!
33. And having such a small school so that I have a block schedule, rather than weirdly spaced out classes.
34. Making schedules
35. A life full of many different kinds of experiences.
36. Horseback riding/horse showing!
37. All the memories of driving all over the state with Mom and Dad.
38. Being able to say that I've fallen off a horse at a full gallop and got back on (after a week banned from riding because of a concussion lol)
39. Learning to read at such an early age (thanks, Mom!)
40. Having so many different types of schooling (private, public, home and co-op/home school group)
41. Performing!
42. Never knowing what it's like to be hungry or homeless.
43. Living near the ocean.
44. Hot, dry summers in the desert.
45. Being able to spell!
46. But also having spell check at the ready :D
47. Living just a couple-hour car ride away from home.
48. Being able to skype with my parents.
49. Faithful readers who seem interested in reading about my life.
51. Resources like
52. Obsessing over crazy horn recordings with people like Eric. (Who is willing to geek out just as much as I do)
53. People who do the jobs I could never dream of doing (like construction work!)
54. DIY projects that remind me of #53
55. My ever-patient friends who understand that they may not get their knitted Christmas gifts for two years...*sheepish grin*
56. Laying in the sun on a blanket
57. Forgiveness
58. Opportunities to do gigs like playing for All-State/Northwest concerts
59. Becoming friends with people who didn't like you originally
60. Jigsaw puzzles
61. Sudoku!
62. Who ever is the people in the practice room who are helping me complete those crossword puzzles :D
63. Umbrellas
64. Discounted tickets to places like the symphony, opera and ballet
65. Living in Seattle
66. Eating breakfast with James every morning
67. Having a roommate for next year
68. Miles fixing my bike!
69. Bike trails so commuting is safe
70. Cell phones
71. Chocolate chip cookie dough!
72. Pints of ice cream.
73. Long battery life for my computer (thanks, Dad!)
74. Dishwashers
75. When people ask how you're doing, and actually care about the answer, good or bad.
76. Just because I love it so much, MUSIC!!!
77. God. I don't know how that ended up so late on my list, but really, truly, I'm thankful for God.
78. Freedom. It sounds cheesy, but I'm able to write whatever I want. That's really cool.
79. The Four B's: Bach, Brahms, Beethoven and Bruckner :D
80. My odd, but loving relationship with my sisters.
81. Playing/practicing in the sun outside.
82. Hand-written letters.
83. Care packages.
84. Homemade goodies.
85. Love.
86. James' family...they do so much for me, and I'm just his girlfriend :D
87. Fresh clean clothes.
88. My parents, for never giving up on me.
89. Warm blankets.
90. Medication to control what I can't.
91. That the two conditions I'm medicated aren't severe.
92. Pictures of friends and family.
93. That nothing is stopping me from doing what I love and following my dreams.
94. Having a fast metabolism.
95. God providing what I need.
96. Being taught to be humble about beauty.
97. White board calendars that keep my life organized!
98. My job in the music library.
99. Everyone who's told me that I'm beautiful, worthwhile, and a good musician when I'm unable to see it.
100. That I can have so many things to be thankful for!
To all the people in my life, thank you for being you. Each and everyone of you has touched me somehow, and that touch is profound, no matter how small. You let me be me, and help remind me that being me is in fact okay. Again, thanks. :)