Thursday, April 1, 2010

One change to the schedule

Well, after hearing about James' sociology class (which has three of my other band-geeky friends in it), I totally transferred into the class, with minutes to spare of it being full. I'm proud of myself, and I'm really excited for the class! Also, thanks to being at a Christian university, I'm having the smoothest transition back to classes ever!

Yesterday because I switched from having a 1:30 class to an 11:00 one, I didn't have either afternoon class, therefore my schedule was simply Theory from 8:00 to 9:20, UCOR from 9:30 to 10:50, then Wind Symphony from 4:30 to 5:45. It was pretty awesome, and my lesson went alright too. Ooh, and while I was switching classes around, I discovered that my GPA was high enough from me to move up to having 20 credits again (after 1st quarter's grades, I couldn't :P). I'm up to a 3.2 for the year, which is way up from the 2.7 (or something sad like that) I had after 1st quarter! I'm hoping to keep pushing my grades up and maybe after this quarter I can get it over a 3.5. That's my goal and I'm putting it in writing here :)

Sami, if you're still reading this, you should leave a comment sometime since I'm comment-less and it feels very sad to simply be talking to myself. And if my family is actually reading this, which I kind of doubt, hi everyone!

I'm going to go do more counterpoint homework for Theory. We're up to 4:1 and have even more rules to learn now...hope I can handle it ;)


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