Monday, April 12, 2010

Job hunt update

This hunt is endless. I realized tonight that it doesn't really seem to matter how many dozens of applications I fill out, or resumes I send in, on this side of the state, it's all about connections. Of course, I don't have any of those, so I'm left hunting for every opening on craigslist and major corperation websites like Safeway and Starbucks. Not that I'm really trying to whine about "oh woe is me"...mostly just feeling frustrated about my lack of connections pretty much anywhere. :P So, blogging world, if you feel like being awesome and handing me either a part-time job starting now or a full-time summer job starting in June, I'd appreciate it! Until then, I will rely on what help I can get from friends and family (by this I mean Rachel lol) and keep filling out those applications.

On a slightly separate note, I'm enjoying most of my classes this quarter, and feeling ahead in at least two of them. I find it interesting that I always feel ill-prepared for lessons, but I've heard this phenomenon is totally natural and everyone feels that way. I hope my left wrist stops hurting for tomorrow, but I took some time off typing and didn't go practicing this evening so that it could recover. In my mind, it makes more sense to practice comfortably tomorrow than practice with only half effort because of the pain, wouldn't you agree?

I really hope that I've fixed the comment errors, but if not, I'm very, very sorry! Please feel free to try commenting anyway!


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