Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Finals time :P

Yup, it's that time of the year again. End of the quarter finals. Actually I don't know why I'm complaining, since I actually enjoy the week before finals. I don't mind studying, and my homework load becomes non-existent, thanks to somewhat merciful professors.
I turns out that I have my Aural Skills final tomorrow, as our university-scheduled final was never posted, and over half the class had made travel plans to leave the night before. We took a vote in class (I'm glad to see music majors are so democratic) and decided that instead of having tomorrow as a review day, it's the day of the final. I'm not really nervous for it, as my midterm went really well, and there's nothing on the final I don't know. That was improper, I meant that I know everything that will be on the test. I'm excited to have one of them done before finals week technically starts. It'll make next week an absolute breeze.
I love my new roommate a ton! Yes, we were friends, and that's one of the reasons I switched rooms, but just knowing that I like talking to the person living in my room makes me more willing to be in my room. Also, I like that we like similar music, having people in and out of the room, and the TV isn't on all the time! Oh, and I get to sleep at night...that's the best part :) I'll consider posting pictures of our room setup, since it's a lot better than anything I could put together in that weird room upstairs. My art prof said it best when he commented that architecturally, the less square a room is, the less functional it is. Who forgot to tell the architect of this dorm that? Oh well, the majority of the rooms are on first through third floors, and half of fourth floor works since they have fifth above them.
Overall, I'm just spending my time prepping for finals, putting final touches on the room, practicing, and just having wonderful chill time with Jae and Jess (among other people). It's a wonderful week thus far.
Now, off to go watch my piano TA's senior recital and just generally enjoy being band geeky for an hour!

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