Saturday, September 28, 2013

The downside of being busy

I've been busy. Ridiculously busy. And trust me, I wouldn't give anything up about it, considering how much I hate being bored. Free time has become an enemy of sorts, since even one day off will leave me wondering what I should be doing with my time.

Well, now I've found myself with two jobs, and three gigs that are all in performance or rehearsal mode. This coming week, I have one evening where I have nothing going on...or I should say, had nothing going on, since I managed to schedule in going to the symphony that night.

The busy-ness doesn't really hit me until I realize that other friends are doing stuff like going out for drinks and having parties on the weekends, kind of like we did in college. I'm not sure I'll get to be that person in my twenties, considering I almost always work weekends...and if I'm not working weekends, I'm playing some kind of gig on the weekend.

It makes me wonder if I'm missing out on some vital piece of my youth. I'm probably overstating the importance of a social life, but my generation seems to hold having an active social life in high regard. Even in high school, I remember the importance of the fun parties on the weekends, or going over to a friend's house on a Friday night after school got out to get to spend the night. I didn't do a lot of that, since most of high school I was an out-of-district kid, so most of my friends thought I lived out in the boonies. Side note, I still lived in the actual city of Yakima, but past where the bus ran...oh, inconvenience.

Books have always been my friends, and more recently, fiber arts have taken up a lot of my free time. I want to start sewing again, though I'm not sure where in my life I would stick that in.

Anyway, I guess the question I've started posing for myself is whether having a social life would make that big of a difference in my life, or is it better to just concentrate on work and my career? At this point, I don't really have money to spend going out for drinks or eating out with friends, so why not just keep my nose to the grindstone and work on getting out of debt? Maybe I'll get around to my social life later?

Anyway, this has just been another session of musing while it's slow at work. I'll check in at a later date and let you all know the conclusion I come to...if I ever do.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right now you're going through the rite of passage called "paying your dues". In the old days it was called "apprenticeship". The time one spends becoming connected to and developing the skills necessary to be accepted as a viable member of a guild--in your case the guild of musicians. You get to PLAY for other people's parties and you ARE other people's weekend entertainment. In between you figure out ways to support yourself until your "art" supports you. Keep your eyes on the prize.