Saturday, September 14, 2013

Life, as it probably will be for a while...

I do a lot of these posts. I'm realizing that these occasional updates often start with a title about life that sounds reflective and possibly somber, but really, just expect a long blurb about what's going on. Yup, this blog has become that interesting, especially now that I'm done with school.

Speaking of being done with school, it's really weird. All summer I've struggled with the idea that I'm no longer going to sit in a desk or a practice room for hours upon hours five days a week. The reality that I would most likely end up working two jobs seemed daunting.

Well, I've finally settled in. It's been a long first week of juggling my schedule, but I survived a work week that was six days long and somewhere in the realm of 50 hours of work. Whew! It also included three days of rehearsals, and the opening night of a musical. Sleep has been at a premium, and I've found myself having way too many dreams about work as I train at my new job in the box office at Seattle Symphony (which, may I mention, is kind of a minor dream come true?).

Normal grown-up life is definitely different from that which I lived as a student, but I think I'm actually enjoying it more. I love the freedom to do what I need to do, and not having some large portion of my paycheck getting thrown into the incidental costs of school such as books or sheet music. HOWEVER, I'll admit, that freedom is going to be short-lived, considering student loans will go into repayment sooner than later. In the meantime, my goal is to make sure that by January, I'm financially in a place to pay for my monthly loan payments, as well as my other bills, with some money actually in my savings (for probably the first time in four years...oops). Here's to crossing my fingers that it works out! At this rate, working the hours I am, I'm hopeful that I'll be set for loans and maybe even getting a car someday soon...hope springs eternal...

In the meantime, life itself is good, though my only source of social life is through my housemates and my coworkers, but in some ways, I'm getting used to it. It's not necessarily perfect, but this extrovert is learning to accept that introverted-ness can be good, especially when all day is spent talking to customers and coworkers. And, maybe, just maybe, because of downtime at work, I may start updating my blog regularly again! But, don't hold your breath...

Two more shows this weekend, a rehearsal for a trio on Monday, and then we start all over again! Work work work work work play horn work work.

Until I come up with more interesting things to talk about!


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