Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Some introspection and life updates

Not my most clever title, but let's go with it while citing a lack of imagination this evening.

I came to a realization during the last two weeks while I was on spring break. I'm not afraid of being alone in this world any more. It's been a long transition to being single after dating for most of college uninterrupted. It's been about three months since I've been in a relationship, and six months since the long-term one was broken off. I've had quite a journey since then. 

I've always been an extrovert. That kid who runs up and talks to pretty much anyone, and who can hold a conversation single-handedly, as long as there's someone willing to (pretend to) listen? Yup, *raises hand* that's been me for a long time. And in the last six months or so, I've started realizing that being an attention whore isn't really fun. (And let's be honest, it gets really old getting mocked for it.) I'm never fulfilled when I'm taking more than my fair share of the conversation, and in fact, I usually just end up really embarrassed and mad at myself for doing it again. 

I was talking to a friend over spring break, who shared how much he had enjoyed just sitting at home, away from anyone else for hours at a time, reading a good book. I had forgotten reading. Not truly, but for some reason, college seemingly just pushed the thought of reading for pleasure out of my mind. The reminder led me to basically devour a 500-page book in an afternoon. Speed reading is a sick pleasure of mine, I'll admit it.

Amazingly, though, this reminder of the wonderful, fulfilling aspects of life that I had forgotten in my haste to spend time with people, and fulfill my need to be heard, led me instead to realizing that I wasn't allowing myself to be heard in my own mind. I often think aloud, or at least process information better while spewing it at some poor sap who happens to be standing nearby. Recently, however, I've allowed that to replace quiet contemplation, and therefore my thoughts have gotten more out of control, and I've resorted to basically over-sharing my existence on this planet with my friends as I've tried to figure out my place on it.  Sorry, friends!

So, after several days of spending a majority of the time by myself, doing things I always wish I had the time to do while school is going (spinning, knitting, reading good books, and going for long walks with the dog), I made a sort of resolution with myself. I'm going to try to be more introverted. Now, this doesn't mean that I'm going to suddenly become a hermit and stop talking to the world. I can already tell you, I'll go crazy without having some human interaction. But I need to spend more time just sitting quietly, doing something like reading a really good book, all by myself, just allowing my brain to function, and also allowing myself to learn to enjoy the silence. We'll see how that goes!


On the side of life updates, spring quarter has begun, as of today. I've got a generally light load, though I know with my senior recital fast approaching, I'm going to be up to my eyeballs with stuff to do, right up until graduation. Therefore, I'm trying not to let myself be reminded that this is my last quarter of my undergrad. God only knows the last thing I need right now is a bad case of senioritis. I'm pretty sure I was suffering from that through most of winter quarter. To make a quote for  those in the pop culture know: "Ain't nobody got time for that!"

I'm glad the weather in Seattle has finally decided to act like spring. I was able to run around campus today wearing only a (brand-new Sounders!) jacket over my t-shirt, which is a major win for me when it comes to staying warm. Mind you, I did get rather chilly by the time I was driving home from my last class. May, I can't wait for your warm and sun and happy. 

On the graduation note (since I guess I'll let myself think of it occasionally), I can't believe it's time. So many people that have been by my side since we were baby freshmen, and we've grown up so much! I'm not all that far from holding a piece of paper saying that I've finished my Bachelor of Arts, and just a hop and a skip after that will be my 22nd birthday. Where has the time gone? 

I'm scared to leave this wonderful world that has grown around me. My friends and professors have been such amazing support and inspiration for four years. They've seen me in all ways, and helped me get through a lot of tears and gnashing of teeth, and also done a lot of laughing too. I'm not ready for the thought of goodbyes yet, though I know they'll come in just a couple short months. And then, after four years together, we'll all go our separate ways, like leaves in the wind; all going different directions. I can rest easily knowing that the most important people in my life will keep in contact, and hope that I've truly made some friends that will stay close for a long, long time.

And with that, now that it's 9 pm and I've been up since 4 for work, I'm ready to crash. A typical college student I am not. 


“Home is behind, the world ahead,
And there are many paths to tread
Through shadows to the edge of night,
Until the stars are all alight."

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