Saturday, November 9, 2013

More major life changes

It's amazing how much life can just keep changing. In fact, it boggles my mind how many times I've updated my blog this year with a discussion about how life is changing. Perhaps this is normal considering I just finished up college and have joined the real world.

I recently got promoted at my job working in the box office for the symphony. I'm now a full-time employee, which means more hours, plus benefits, a monthly bus pass, and my own desk! I even got a plant for my desk, since I decided it needed a little color.

(Yes, that is a stuffed lobster on the divider between my desk and my coworkers. No, I don't know why it's there...)

This also meant that I have enough income to only have one job. I haven't had nearly enough time to practice my horn, so it will be a relief to know that each week I'll be working a maximum of 40 hours, rather than averaging around 45. It was bittersweet turning in my two-weeks notice at Starbucks, after working there for a year and a half. On one hand, I'll be glad to stop having outrageously early mornings and always looking terrible after getting done with a shift, but on the other hand, I'll miss my coworkers a lot.

Meanwhile, life can be summarized as "always being provided for." Major bills suddenly started popping up, but then I got my tuition payment for grad school refunded. Student loans are looming, but I now have the ability to work one full-time, well-paying job.

I like feeling less stressed, and will enjoy getting all that time to practice so soon! (And knit, and spin, and do everything else I miss getting to do)


1 comment:

Jean M. Ward said...

Hi Allison,

I'm so glad that things are working out for you! I love reading your blog!

If you get a chance, I bet Becca would love hearing from you. Her BF Alex (of over a year) just broke up with her last night so she's obviously very sad.

Jean Ward