Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015 in review

Summarizing a year isn't always easy. This year in particular has been totally full of ups and downs. The worst of the downs slammed itself right into the beginning of the holiday season, so it's with little exaggeration that I can say I'm relieved to have 2015 be walking out the door. I have high hopes for 2016.

2015 Things of Note (and yes, I'll admit to going to my facebook page to figure out what all happened this year):


  • Finished my first sweater of the year

  • Traveled to Boston, Kansas City, and Chicago to do grad school auditions.
  • Premiered Chris's First Symphony in B minor (first movement) with the SPU orchestra
  • Finished my second sweater of the year (for Chris!)

  • Came to the conclusion that grad school for performance was not panning out (two waitlists and a rejection) and decided with my horn teacher that I should stop pursuing a career as a horn player
  • Moved to Redmond
  • Finished third sweater of the year
  • Bought my first car!
  • Finished a non-sweater object (and my first garment using cashmere)

  • Proctored the horn auditions for SSO
  • Celebrated two years with Chris
  • Was offered (and accepted) a position in Fundraising as the Campaign Coordinator at SSO

  • Turned 24
  • Bought myself a stand mixer for my birthday

  • Attended my first work conference in Orlando
  • Finished out the sunniest summer I've ever witnessed in Seattle. 
  • Finished my fourth sweater (super special, as it was knit with yarn from a knitting friend who passed away earlier in the year from cancer)
  • Paid off my first student loan
  • Worked my first Opening Night Gala
  • Played principal in my first opera: Faure's Penelope
  • Finished sweater number five

November gets a paragraph. The majority of the month was fairly uneventful, full of Baxter-sitting and work. However, the Friday before Thanksgiving, we received the shocking news that Chris's father had passed away very suddenly because of a heart attack. The following two weeks were a blur of grieving and trying to tie up loose ends. My awesome boss helped make sure I got maximum bereavement leave so we could fly to Boston and back to bury him at the family plot. I've never been so thankful to be welcomed and part of Chris's family, and while the circumstances were far less than ideal, it was wonderful to spend so much time with all of them.
I also finished my sixth sweater and a pair of socks for Chris.

  •  Spent three weekends playing in the pit for She Loves Me
  • Did more Baxter-sitting
  • Got to see Star Wars (!!!) twice in theaters
  • Finished my first 100% designed-by-me knitted object as a favor for a friend

It wasn't a horrible year. Heck, I knit six sweaters (six and a half, if you consider I have only sleeves and a hood left on another sweater for Chris), socks, and a small blanket! But it has been an emotionally draining end to the year, and I am very ready to see what new challenges and opportunities 2016 will bring.

I wish you all a fun holiday weekend, and the very best for the new year!


dancing diva said...

Lots of great things happened this year for you. Very proud of your leap into adulthood.

Jean M. Ward said...

I really enjoy reading your blog! Happy New Year, 2016 and can't wait to read what happened in the coming year!!! Jean

Rachel LeAnn said...

Happy New Year - hope this one goes better for you. This was a full year of decision making and "life" stuff.

P.S. I finished my first pair of socks! Finally!

I love your sweaters. I want to learn to knit some tunics now to wear over my dresses in the winter....