Monday, July 14, 2014

The great Facebook hiatus

It's true. I'm taking a break from facebook. I didn't want to make a big fuss of it, since whenever I see anyone else do that, it always seems to be more of a cry for attention than actually related to their own good. Personally, my own hiatus is related to a discussion I had with Chris over how much time I was spending on it, and how little good it was doing for my mental health. So, I'm taking a couple weeks off, and seeing what happens. We're on day two currently, and I already feel much better. I've started taking the time to text people to hang out and reconnect, because I don't know if they're busy, and therefore, I'm not worried about asking.

Meanwhile, I've also finished another big project that I'm rather proud of: My first, official, totally handspun sweater for me!

It's going to be my summer layer for the office, since it's too hot to wear a jacket outside, but too cold to wear summery clothes inside. And since it includes so many colors, I can wear it with pretty much anything! I also got to show it to my sister, who recently began to knit, and she was positively tickled!

Timing was excellent also. I finished tucking all the loose ends this morning, then headed to the post office to pick up my next shipment of fiber, which will become this sweater:

Can't tell you all how excited I am! My blue fiber is a tad darker, but I think it will end up just lovely. I never thought I'd love knitting sweaters, but here I am, about to start spinning the yarn for sweater #3. Chris may never get another sweater, though, now that I've seen how quickly sweaters knit up in pixie size!

On the work front, lots has changed that has made the work environment much more friendly. New management, the brief pause between seasons, and less time spent on the phone. It's a lovely break, though the days do tend to drag on a bit when you're simply waiting around for the phone to ring. That's how I got the most recent sweater finished so quickly; lots of time between calls that I didn't want to spend just hanging out on the internet.

I've also had a resurgence in my tendinitis. I went to the doctor last week and had it officially diagnosed in my wrists (it had been diagnosed via MRI in my shoulders, and then a few years later in my ankles, so I always assumed that my wrist problems were tendinitis). Looks like it's back to wearing braces for a while, though I'm working with my employer to see if there's a way to get the specialized braces through them instead of going through insurance and whatnot. Hoping there will be relief soon!

Fortunately, this week only will be a three day work week, as I'm taking a vacation day tomorrow to move into my new apartment (yay, not being "homeless" crashing at my wonderful aunt and uncle's house!), and we have a special day off on Saturday where the office is getting painted. All good things.

Now, before my wrists give up on me, I probably should go. Besides, I have some (more, *sigh*) packing to do to get ready for tomorrow. Whee!!!
